Live Bank Monitoring Solution

Bank is Considered the safes place to keep your valuables and for money transactions. It is imperative that banks have an adequate security system to protect the safe from criminals. With the fast growth of technology all banks are now adding more effective techniques to improve their security system. Now a days all banks use Cloud CCTV Camera to monitor the Banks branches, ATMs and Cash VANs which can help them to monitor it live from central location and can take immediate action if any incident happens.

Monitor Entry & Exit, Currency counter, Locker Room and whole Branch.
High resolution Wi-Fi Based Smart Cloud Cameras and Cloud Enabled which record details of the suspicious persons
Low light Cloud cameras will capture images in such areas
Introduction of Wireless video surveillance to detect potential security threats.
Command and Control Center

All the video footage will be stored in a cloud which help to deter robberies and avoid any fraud. All Banks requires a Centralized Cloud CCTV Monitoring system to be able to see all events quickly.


  • Save Time and expense in recording
  • Deter Robberies
  • Minimize the costs for vandalism
  • Stop Transaction Fraud
  • Enhance the customer experience
  • Avoid Phantom ATM Withdrawals
  • 24/7 Live Remote Monitoring
  • Monitor from Multiple Branch


Avoid any security hassles. Trust cloud storage for your total security needs.

Easy Access

Easily access images and information from the cloud. Avoid cumbersome local storage.


One file or hundreds, share whatever you want easily. Eliminate wasted time.

Ambicam 4G Dom PTZ

Ambicam 4G Mini Bullet

Ambicam Bullet Blue

Ambicam 4G Bullet

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